The Best Way to Choose a General Contractor


Whether you build a new home, remodel your existing one or have another building to work on, a general contractor can make the process smoother. These experts understand the building process, set expectations and handle the various aspects of the project. Without one, you are left calling contractors, setting up appointments, figuring out who to use, determining costs and more. Here are some tips to choose the best contractor to handle your project.

Find Recommendations

One of the easiest ways to find a general contractor Boston MA is to ask around. Talk to people you know who recently had a project for recommendations. Family, coworkers and friends are great places to start. Ask around on social media sites like NextDoor and Facebook for referrals in the area you live or work in. These recommendations can help you find a quality contractor and even steer you away from a less reputable one.

Conduct Interviews

It is always a good idea to interview at least three different contractors. With your list in hand, you can determine who the first one to call is. Ask them key questions about their business such as whether or not they tackle your type of project, how they handle their schedule, how do they want to receive payment and a past client list. Don’t be afraid to contact past clients to get a feel for the contractor from those beyond your circle.

Obtain Quotes

No contractor worth his salt does a bid over the phone. Each contractor should want to meet face to face to discuss exactly what you want done. Once they visit the property site, they can have a better idea of some of the obstacles to the build. Not only that, but meeting face to face gives you an opportunity to ask more questions and get a better feel for how well you might work together. Obtain a quote from at least three companies you want to work with before choosing one.

Sign Contract

Once you have chosen your contractor, make sure you get everything in writing. While you might think the man is good on his word, it is always best to have a written contract signed by both parties. The contract should include what they plan to do for the project, the quoted price, payment schedule, labor costs, change order charges and other items you discussed. Read the contract carefully to make sure it has everything you need. Sign it and watch your project come to life.

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