DIY Carpet Cleaning Tips

Carpet Cleaning

Spills happen, but stains don’t have to. Anyone with a carpet knows how annoying dirt and grime between the fibers can be, but you can’t call a carpet cleaner once a month without being willing to pay the bill. Luckily, there are a few tried and true ways to do the carpet cleaning all on your own for those little messes. Even if you have pet hair or need to disinfect an entire rug, there’s a way to do it at home if you need to.

Easy Tips for Little Messes

Maybe the most irritating kind of carpet mess is when loose dirt gets stuck in the rug. You might notice then when you walk across it in bare feet and come out feeling like you just took a stroll outside. The easiest way to approach this problem is with a good vacuum, but if you don’t have one, don’t worry. You can also grind out the dirt with a stiff bristled broom. Find a good stiff broom and sweep over the carpet just like you would the floor. You’ll be surprised at what comes flying out.

If you need to disinfect a portion of your carpet, vinegar will be your best friend. All you need is a bucket of water, some vinegar, and a scrub brush and you’re ready to. You can spot clean the rug to make sure any bacteria, germs, and odors aren’t left behind in your carpet. After you’ve scrubbed away the mess, you can simply use a dry rag to pat the spot and soak up any excess moisture so it doesn’t mildew as it dries.

Some carpets might show your pet’s favorite napping spot by displaying copious amounts of pet hair. To keep this from building up into an unseemly area, you can simply take a lint roller and roll it over the area. You can do this to any portion of carpet to pick up unwanted pet hair, but paying special attention to their favorite spots will prevent build up.

Steam Power Without the Cleaner

If you’re looking to generally clean all of your carpet, but don’t want to rent or hire a steam cleaner, then you can do it yourself with a little warm water and baking soda. Just combine them in a bucket and get to scrubbing with your favorite cleaning tool.

Cleaning a carpet is easy with these simple tips!

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